The next day, the 2 kangaroos were excited. They believed they were going to win the race and get the trophy. But the turtle felt that he would not win the race and he would not get the trophy. Then the race began. The turtle was nervous while the 2 kangaroos were happy.
They ran and ran and ran as fast as they could. But the turtle was still slow. Then the 2 kangaroos looked behind to check on the turtle. One kangaroo saw that the turtle was very far away. The 2 kangaroos felt tired from running. They decided to sleep under a big tree. The turtle slowly passed them and saw the 2 kangaroos were sleeping. The turtle crawled as fast as he could.
Suddenly the 2 kangaroos woke up and saw the turtle was very far ahead of them. The turtle was crossing the finishing line. the turtle won the race and the 3 kangaroos ran away from the forest.
4 komente:
OK good story! but I want you to be the kangaroo who doesnt sleep when doing something important!
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Ia me too.kak hannan sais that too be a kanggaroo,but not lazy ok.
Ia me too.kak hannan sais that too be a kanggaroo,but not lazy ok.
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